Le patrimoine culturel de l'humanité =The Cultural Heritage of Mankind (2008)
Terrorisme et droit international = Terrorism and International Law (2008)
Les aspects nouveaux du droit des investissements internationaux = New Aspects of International Investment Law (2007)
Les ressources en eau et le droit international = Water Resources and International Law (2005)
Les sanctions économiques en droit international = Economic sanctions in international law (2004)
La politique de l'environnement : de la réglementation aux instruments économiques = Environmental policy : From Regulation to Economic Instruments (2003)
Les aspects internationaux des catastrophes naturelles et industrielles = The International Aspects of Natural and Industrial Catastrophes (2001)
La succession d'états : la codification á l'épreuve des faits = State Succession : Codification Tested against the Facts (2000)
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online is the electronic version of the book publication program of Martinus Nijhoff Publishers in the broad field of human rights and humanitarian law. Coverage: Human Rights – Refugee Law – Immigration Law – Health Law – Children’s Rights – Minority and Group Rights – Humanitarian Law – International Criminal Law
Contains exact reproductions of major United Nations legal publications, including the complete collection of the United Nations Treaty Series, the League of Nations Treaty Series, the Monthly Statement of Treaties & International Agreements; Finding Aids and additional features make it easy to pull up a UN Treaty by entering a UNTS Citation, search for a UN Treaty, and link to law review articles that cite a UN Treaty.
Some 20 million articles from 30,000 publications, including 10,000 online.
IngentaConnect can be used primarily to find abstracts and citations. Full-text access is available for journals to which UNOG Library subscribes, including African and Asian Studies, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, IDS Bulletin, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy and Strategic Survey.
Over 230 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas
UN Library Geneva's Oxford Journal subscriptions include: African affairs, Cambridge Journal of Economics, European journal of international law, Human rights law review, International Journal of Refugee Law, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Refugee Studies, and Refugee Survey Quarterly.
PerséeAccess to 20 full-text journals in the French language
ProQuestMillions of documents from magazines, newspapers, and journals.