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Research Guides United Nations Office at Geneva Library & Archives

International Commissions of Inquiry, Fact-finding Missions: Maps

Map of fact-finding missions and commissions of inquiry


Click on a country in red to see detailed information on the fact-finding mission(s) and/or commission(s) of inquiry that had been mandated for that particular country



Asia and Pacific



Chile Nicaragua Colombia Honduras Cuba Yugoslavia, the Former Belarus Togo South Sudan - Darfur Rwanda Mozambique Sudan Uzbekistan Western Sahara Mali Libya Kenya Guinea Eritrea Democratic Republic of the Congo Côte d'Ivoire Central African Republic Burundi Viet Nam Timor Leste Syria Sri Lanka Palestine Nepal Lebanon Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Georgia Cambodia Democratic People's Republic of Korea Afghanistan Boko Haram LiberiaMyanmar Yemen Guatemala VenezuelaUkraineEthiopia



Togo Sudan South Sudan Rwanda Mozambique Western Sahara Mali Libya Liberia Kenya Guinea Eritrea Central African Republic Côte d'Ivoire Democratic Republic of Boko Haram BurundiEthiopia

Chile Nicaragua Colombia Honduras CubaHonduras Guatemala Venezuela

Timor-Leste Cambodia Viet NamMyanmar

Sri Lanka Nepal Uzbekistan Afghanistan

Palestine/Israel Lebanon Iran (Islamic Republic of) Syria Iraq Afghanistan Yemen

Belarus Yugoslavia, the FormerUkraine