During 2019-2020, UN Geneva has organized numerous activities together with Member States, Observers, International Organizations, and other partners, including local authorities, civil society, and the private sector to celebrate 100 Years of Multilateralism, from the establishment of the League of Nations in 1919 until the 75th anniversary of the United Nations in 2020. The aim was to highlight the evolution of multilateralism in various areas from the time of the League of Nations to the present day, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Centenary of multilateralism was an opportunity for the UN and other actors to promote the relevance of achieving peace through multilateralism. By recalling the lessons of the past, it was an opportunity to look to the future.
The Centenary helped also connect the general public to current global issues and provided a moment for deeper reflection on the importance of multilateralism in our changing world.
With its long international tradition, Geneva was selected in 1920 as the seat of the League of Nations (1920-1946), the first global intergovernmental organization aiming to establish international peace and cooperation. Although it as unable to prevent the outbreak of the Second World War, the League left an important legacy to the United Nations that was established in 1945.
The Centenary was celebrated with a series of events, talks, exhibitions, and product launches to mark the importance of multilateral cooperation in Geneva.