A pledge to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms
The General Assembly adopted resolution 1961 (XVIII) by which it designated 1968 as International Year for Human Rights.
On 12 December 1965, the General Assembly adopted resolution 2081(XX) deciding that an international conference should be convened in 1968
The International Conference on Human Rights, held in Teheran from 22 April to 13 May, adopted the Proclamation of Teheran.
The Proclamation assessed the progress achieved since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and set forth a plan of action for the future.
UN Photo. Image 361535
“… it was generally felt that a well-prepared world conference with high-level participation could make an important contribution to the international promotion and protection of human rights”
1st session in Geneva from 9 to 13 September 1991 and adopted 6 decisions (final report A/46/24):
PC.1/1 Convening of the World Conference on Human Rights;
PC.1/2 Future sessions of the Preparatory Committee;
PC.1/3 Participation of representatives of least developed countries in the preparatory meetings and the Conference itself
PC.1/4 Regional meetings for the World Conference on Human Rights;
PC.1/5 Studies and documentations for the World Conference on Human Rights;
PC.1/6 Participation of human rights experts in the Preparatory Committee and the World Conference
2nd session in Geneva from 30 March to 10 April 1992 and adopted 8 decisions (final report A/47/24):
PC.2/1 Participation of representatives of least developed countries in the World Conference and the preparatory process;
PC.2/2 Public information activities;
PC.2/3 Other meetings related to the preparatory process of the world Conference;
PC.2/4 Publications;
PC.2/5 Dates and venue of the World Conference on Human Rights;
PC.2/6 Studies and documentation;
PC.2/7 Organization of future sessions of the Preparatory Committee;
PC.2/8 Provisional rules of procedure for the World Conference on Human Rights
3rd session in Geneva from 14 to 18 September 1992 and adopted 3 decisions (final report A/47/24/Add.1):
PC.3/1 Number of Vice-Presidents and of the World Conference on Human Rights;
PC.3/2 Participation of representatives of non-governmental organizations at regional meetings;
PC.3/3 Provisional rules of procedure for the World Conference on Human Rights
4th session in Geneva from 19 April to 7 May 1993 and adopted 5 decisions (final report A/CONF.157/PC/98):
PC.4/1 Drafting of the final outcome of the World Conference on Human Rights;
PC.4/2 Extension of the fourth session of the Preparatory Committee;
PC.4/3 Composition of the General Committee;
PC.4/4 Consideration of paragraph 18 of the draft final document;
PC.4/5 Draft final outcome of the World Conference on Human Rights
• Regional Meeting for Asia of the World Conference on Human Rights (1993 : Bangkok).
• Regional Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean for the World Conference on Human Rights (1993 : San José).
• World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-25 June 1993
Teheran to Vienna Timeline
1961 | The year 1968 was proclaimed as the International Year of Human Rights |
1965 | Decision to convene an international conference on human rights |
1968 | International Conference on Human Rights takes place in Teheran |
1989 | General Assembly seeks the views on desirability of convening a world conference on human rights |
1990 | Decision to convene a world conference on human rights |
1991-1993 | Work of the Preparatory Committee |
1992-1993 | Regional meetings |
1993 | World Conference on Human Rights |
1993 | Creation of the post of the High Commissioner for Human Rights |