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Conference Primers: the Diplomat's Guide to Conferences in Geneva

The Conference Primers platform provides rapid access to summaries of issues discussed and decisions taken at major conferences organized by UN and other International Organizations in Geneva. It includes links to UN official websites as well as overviews provided by NGOs, think tanks, academia and media outlets.

We also gather information from major UN conferences which take place in other parts of the world, as there is a direct impact on the work produced at the UN in Geneva.

Which resources do you use to keep abreast of the discussions and decisions of major conferences? Please share them with us by email. Thank you very much!

Responsibility for the content remains with the authors of the pages.



Meeting summaries

Human Rights

International Law Commission

International Law Commission

Global Health

Global Health

Humanitarian Affairs, Refugees and Migration

Humanitarian Affairs, Refugees and Migration

Labour and Social Affairs

Labour and Social Affairs

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals



Peace and Security

Peace and Security

Innovation and Technology

Innovation and Technology

Trade and Economics

Trade and Economics

Environment & Climate Change


DISCLAIMER: This site contains links and references to third-party resources. It does not imply the endorsement of the content by the United Nations.