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Conference primer - Environment & Climate Change: 2021

Highlights / Sous les projecteurs

UN Environment - UNEP

External reporting (NGOs, Media, etc.)

2021 Past Events

Young Activists Summit 2021, 18 November 2021 (Hybrid Event)

COP26 (Glasgow, 31 October - 13 November 2021)

UN Reporting

NGOs and Media Reporting


UN, NGOs and media reporting

Road map to COP26 - Preparatory Events

UN Convention on Biodiversity Conference (CBD)

In the Media / Vu dans la presse

Geneva Water Hub, Hydropolitics towards Peace and Security / Geneva Water Hub - Hydropolitiques poru la paix et la sécurité

Geneva Environment Network

2021 Past Events

Multilateral Environmental Agreements

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) / Convention des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la désertification

Basel Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

IUCN World Conservation Congress / UICN Congrès mondial de la nature

More on the environment

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