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Conference primer - Trade and Economics: 2020

Conference Primer: Trade and Economics 2020

Last updated: 22 January 2021

Geneva Trade Week 2020

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

UNCTAD calendar

Find all major events with links to relevant documentation

Following events, main outcomes are posted as:


Press releases

Commentary and analysis  


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UNCTAD Conferences

The highest decision-making body of UNCTAD is the quadrennial conference, at which member States make assessments of current trade and development issues, discuss policy options and formulate global policy responses. The conference also sets the organization’s mandate and work priorities.

Trade and Development Board

In-between the quadrennial Conferences, the Trade and Development Board oversees the activities of the organization. It meets in Geneva in a regular session and up to three times a year in executive sessions to deal with urgent policy issues, as well as management and institutional matters.

More about UNCTAD

World Trade Organization

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) - Economic Cooperation and Trade

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

More on trade and economics



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